The Schedule for the Horanenya

6:00 Fireworks
8:30 Opening of the Festival
(Jozan Inari Shrine)
9:20 The procession by land takes off
9:30 The Kaitenma boats gather
(The northern end of the Shinjiko Ohashi bridge)
10:10 The procession reaches the northern end of the bridge
The procession boards the boat
Begin the Kaitenma dancing
12:30 Finish the Kaitenma dancing
12:40 The boats get into formation
13:30 The boats set off (from the east side of the Kunibiki Ohashi bridge)
14:30 The boats arrive (mouth of the Iugawa river)
15:30 The Kaitenma boats arrive at the Adakayabashi bridge
Kaitenma dance begins
16:50 Kaitenma dance ends
The land procession sets off
17:20 The procession arrives at the Adakaya Shrine
The Ceremony begins
18:20 The Ceremony ends

10:00 Fireworks
The Ceremony opens
(Adakaya Shrine)
12:00 Gathering of the Kaitenma boats
(Adakayabashi bridge)
Prepare to board the boats
13:00 Fireworks
The boats are boarded and the Kaitenma dance begins as the boats set off on land
14:30 Kaitenma dance ends Arrive at the Adakaya Shrine
Dedication of the Kaitenma dance

15:30 The dance ends
16:00 Ceremony ends

6:00 Fireworks
(Matsue / Adakaya)
7:30 The ceremony opens
(Adakaya Shrine)
8:30 The Kaitenma boats gather
(Adakayabashi bridge)
Processions take off on land from the Adakaya Shrine
9:00 The procession arrives at the Adakayabashi bridge
Set off fireworks
The procession boards the ships
Kaitenma dance begins
9:40 Kaitenma dance ends
10:40 The boats begin to get into formation
11:10 The boats set off
(from the mouth of the Iugawa river)
12:00 The boats arrive
(east side of the Kunibiki Ohashi bridge)
13:00 Fireworks
Begin the Kaitenma dance
15:10 End the Kaitenma dance
Those connected with the Shrine go ashore and proceed on land
15:30 The Kaitenma dancers go ashore and proceed on land
Kaitenma dance display
16:00 The procession arrives at the Shrine and the ceremony begins
(Jozan Inari Shrine)
16:30 Ceremony ends
17:00 The Kaitenma procession arrives
Dedication of the Kaitenma dance
18:00 End of the Kaitenma dance
End of the Festival